Thursday, October 07, 2004

Presence Inertia

I decided today, that I would begin using a blog to have a rant, offer information, whinge and generally comment about my life experience among the sleeping masses. Lots of people get about, personally I’ve been round the globe a couple of times, however I always live in me and me is currently sittin’ here typing spontaneously about why exactly I decided to begin this blog. I suppose I believe I have something I feel I should say, I can contribute to the argument, even though most people are still asleep to the fact that any arguments exist. I have been involved with the creative application of technology and the technological application of creativity for over twenty years now, I have dined with kings of industry and shared cans with down & outs, I’m almost at the age where life is supposed to begin and yet I’ve spent most of my life in a search for wisdom, often resorting to extreme experience to secure some form of understanding of the sentient state – many times just striving and struggling to stay still. I’m actually very happy and currently enjoy a tremendous sense of serenity – born from the fact of having a devoted family with three loving sons and a wonderful wife who are my foundation in this life. I bear no ill will to any man but do get miffed when I see injustice, wrong doing, illiterate thinking and blatant abuse of the privilege it is to be human and alive. I suffer frustrations when I witness obvious incompetence and material lust in those whom we trusted with positions of leadership and responsibility. I get downright angry when such people claim access to higher moral reasoning or greater degrees of right, I get angry – look at that and see the anger for what it is – just a negative emotion born of pre-conditioning a rough ride in my early life on earth – so rather than sit on the sidelines and get angry – I’ll comment on it, and other more positive things in this here blog. I have tremendous respect for the power of language, yet create my own, I respect artists, engineers and road sweepers for the truth of their vision of themselves. I embrace change and revel in new ideas, today I posted some stuff on a couple of forums I’m involved in and not wanting to digress their value, kept within their boundaries, it was then that I decided that a blog might be a better way for me to communicate with others who do or don’t know me in the flesh, hence this diatribe of indulgent tripe – but in my defense – this is my blog and I’ll write about what I want until such time as someone tells me that I no longer can. So there you have it, there you go, thanks