Below is one of the latest TED video releases, which my Friend Ty brought to my attention via Facebook this morning. There's a postulation / suggestion, inference that delivering this technology to mass market will have a major effect at several different levels, should we be .... certainly the TED audience seemed.. impressed.
Now I was very fortunate a few years ago while working for Microsoft Game Studios doing some liaison with Media LAB Europe in Dublin to see their development of some, what I considered at that time to be, genuine game changing technology, specifically their 'Mind Balance' alpha brain wave monitoring and response game implementations, which allowed non GUI, none physical interaction, response and control between Man and PC. Stunning and awe inspiring are what springs to mind when I recall being one of their guinea pigs.
I may be missing the point in the TED talk but it is suggesting innovation in that sort of sixth sense' sense, and despite the gasps of the TED audience, and a sort of reverse engineering of the semantics of 'sixth sense'itself, it didn't meet it's billing or my expectation regarding 'intuition' i.e. it merely struck me as a wear a mobile device that allows a sort of 'minority report like' superimposition of data onto a projective mobile screen'. All of which purports to combine six areas of communication. It's not as suggested by the title, a non physical, beyond the seen realm revolution, thus it sorta strikes me more as a kinda 'combinational creativity exercise' rather than genuine innovation or actual original development. Which further suggests more of a PR, patent public declaration activity that might impress weary mobile/Cell handset manufactures, for me it screams :
iphone + projector + additional data access (revenue) + additional Peripherals (more revenue)
In truth I enjoyed Barry Schwartz's advocacy for practical wisdom much more.
My Friend Matt's Pub
apparently Brad Pitt, the whole cast of game of thrones and every other
famous person every to set foot in ireland visit's this lovely little
authentic I...
11 years ago