Monday, December 05, 2005

Baby Steps

I have been very busy lately, having parted company with midas some six months ago - My attention has returned to the finer point in life - i.e. actually enjoying it and living it rather than listening to people who seem to be under the false impression that you can somehow blag it, sell it , 'own' it, impart it, quantify, qualify or even covet those imponderables that may be the lifeblood of groups of people. Totally Sad but Typical Irish bog standard 'my field' mentally. ( JB Keane, not an academic ref)

Oh well that's that rant out of the way, Just glad to be away from it. Some genuinely lovely people involved with it, especially those individuals whom I recruited to join it, however as my mother often said, 'had I known then what I know now' - I personally would have steered well clear of the whole self important mess in the first place. Good idea just poor execution, insufficient integrity and too much ego for it to actually achieve significance in my book.

Yes so I have also been working on short movies , digital animations, music and loads of other really interesting stuff round games, digital and interactive media. I've decided to start podcasting - hell I have access to as much equipment now as a small south American country so why shouldn't I do some cool stuff with it. What with the run up to santy and co on the horizon and a big deal of commitment for 2006, If I don't do it now I might never get the opportunity.

IOA - or Irish on-line army are a bunch of cool gamers currently owning me on CSS servers, I'll post the IP when I get a chance - or if someone every actually posts a comment about it.

anyway...... onwards and upwards we go.