Monday, September 22, 2008

ten for that ? you must be mad ! Palin.

Sometimes famous actors slide from big to small screens and turn human, resulting in words, images, their real persona and their various professional images colliding, When Michael Palin found himself in the vicinity of any object for sale in any one of his excellent travel documentary series, (too many of which I watched I could mention just see his wikipedia entry) his immortal post haggling Monty python line above, would shot across my dendrites and cause an internal titter.

Similarly I often found it difficult to suspend my disbelief in relation to the character of Jason Bourne, hard to take him 100% seriously, not because of a poor performance or sub standard production, on the contrary I generally enjoyed the series, it was just that somewhere in my subconscious a Philip Pullman novel kept my imagination wondering about the lineage of the main actor, a potential for his shadow to be another shadow but today Matt turned very real and he shoots from the hip about another Palin: