Wednesday, February 25, 2009

five weeks left of open twittering right do do

I joined twitter Oct 1st 2008. April 1st will mean six months openly using that social media tool. From then on, I will protect my updates, prune my account and use Twitter a lot more judiciously, carefully even. Several Reasons, all personal:

Six months microblogging has proved a major distraction in terms of personal productivity. I write, I'm involved in digital creativity, specifically games, screens and interactive narrative yet my interests are spreading wider and wider using twitter.

140 characters does not allow me to develop depth in asynchronous exchange. Great for intros, catastrophic for detailed explanation or meaningful exchange - uber-lite Skype.

I have become entirely underwhelmed by any intrinsic creative potential of the tool.

Some truly inspirational people, marvelous individuality and insight but the vast majority: self serving egotistically materialistic assholes. Wouldn't recognize 'art' if it came up and vomited the inside of their empty heads bright green.

As a consequence of my using twitter openly its now about 2 many numbers: Twitter has over recent months and weeks become numbers centric, twittergrade, twittercounter, what was once a bit of fun for me and some others I knew on the net has shifted towards something status centric almost unsociable social media.

As I suspected over at stolentelling, the bubble of insignificance has burst for me.

I get it but I don’t want to get it the way it has begun to shape up.

How can I possibly retain my ‘outsider mentality’ if my twitter persona is a sorta electronic crossroads of almost 4000 twitter accounts ?

Need not Greed - I need to feed my creative rebel not become popular with internet strategy marketers and direct channel social media gurus because I understand the psychological and spiritual motivations that power their greed, myopia and lust.

Sanity rather than inanity is my priority. 'Do Do' is only funny if explained in full and in context.

And then I paraphrase in my head what Jung said about looking at oneself when something in someone else annoys one. Testing one, two, three,.. fook almost 2K.

Here's a longer do do explanation:
While I have enjoyed almost every exchange I’ve had on twitter, using the tool in such an open way is obviously best suited to promotion, PR, direct selling or the dispensing of advice and information – all that contrived drivel about customer care concern matrices, subliminal influence effluent, careful commercialism etc, is just something I simply don’t do, nor if I did do, would want to do so simply or indeed blatantly, preaching such pontificating claptrap at people is really do do of the highest or is that lowest? order. By all means motivate others, do that yes, just don't do do me please. I'm already all peaced up with my inner self and rather than just close the twitter thing down and lock my updates immediately, I thought I'd give myself a bit of a countdown to do that, to motivate myself in a proper do do way, hence those counters I stuck on the right hand side of this bigger than micro blog.
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