Yes well I did some research on transliteracy after all but we also worked all weekend and painted our new offices to boot - white ! so I was again too knackered to blog.
Yes so it was that with such a pristine interior I ventured to the dell site yesterday to get us some more hardware - indeed I ordered some lovely kit, multimedia notebook and workhorse workstation - yum yum. Being a qualified member of the digeratti I off course completed my transactions on-line. what else is one to do ole bean ! I got the PDFs of the order confirmations via email and boom, where's my network card I ordered ? Doesn't seem to be in this spec ? wait maybe myopia or just plain stupidity is to blame here Mick, but I distinctly remember seeing 10/100 network card in the first 'customize and buy' page I visited - did I somehow inadvertently uncheck that option thus islandising my new workhorse, I decided a quick call to sales support just to ensure that I, a qualified member of the digeratti hadn't been responsible for the error.
boy was that ever a major mistake, I spoke with 11 (yes eleven) different representatives from dell, had the pleasure of 10 song extracts, took one hour and five minutes out of my life and lived in the call centre limbo called customer support, I went round in more circles than a one legged carousel operator - boy was it ever frustrating - I did get to the bottom of it though, you see while I might have a part-time affiliate geek member ship, I just don't make the cut, my Network card was integrated in the mother board so didn't appear in the spec. Doah.... I wouldn't wish it on anyone.