So there you go, after weeks, months and indeed years of working for other people and making not inconsiderable amounts of money for them in the process, I finally get to work in a company in which I have a modicum of influence (& ownership)
yipee....and double yipee.... and the square of double yipee...and...triple yipee times yipee and .....You get the message, I'm happy about this development.
Anyway, I got so excited by the whole thing that I started to blog about it in another blog http://dimedaily.blogspot.com/ (which I will now add to the side bar)
So even though, we have lots to shout about, should I keep it all under wraps until the super/hyper / mega offical launch thangy. Well.....
I recently listened to several podcasts, particularly one's concerning/interviewing Steve Rubel, the arch podcast pr guru/ publicist type/ dorsel fin attachment / new yawker / good guy and while he's obviously a bright intellect, he somehow strikes me as someone milkin, ( while conciously counting down) his fifteen minutes... I'm sure he'll remain respected wherever he was previously respected before his pronouncements on podcasts became popular, however I can't help thinking the next tide of innovation will swallow him up into obscurity. fair play to him.
anyhow I think maybe I best shut up until I can provide those facts and figures so beloved by people of a particluar ilk, however 'creatives' like me will no doubt understand my afflection to joy, optimism, that creative freedom offers. yipee
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