So today, we decided that a new move is on, we're off to new offices. You wouldn't think that we'd need them so quickly what with being such a young and small company almost in it's total infancy in fact, but the brains believe that we will fast outgrow the current space, so we're off to a business park to.....erm.... do some business I suppose. I've looked at the new space and it's certainly not atypical, it's got some quirkiness about it that I like. So let's hope we get the logistics sorted and get our desks set up real quick. Thanks to last weeks hard work, we have our first set of official customers to satisfy....wahoo..
Yup things is on the up and starting to look pretty good. Obviously....otherwise I'd be spending a lot more time doing this blog and whining. But now we’ve lots of work to get done,....until tomorrow.
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