I was going to create another blog for a specific series of writing projects I'm currently undertaking but I suddenly felt nostalgic for one of the first blogs I ever created - i.e. this one (back in early 2004) Thus I'm coming back to basics, with renewed vigor to play around with information and blogging about some of the digital media materials on my private site clevercelt while also using this blog to describe the creative processes etc that's involved with making those. The other thing of course is anything that appears here must be either public domain, creative commons or indeed my own personal copyright - no stuff belonging to anyone else (without express permission etc).
The photo above is of my son Conor's dog buddy posing for him. Buddy is the Irish Ronaldo of Jack Russels, His specialty is the four footed lunge. What with Euro2008 and all that on TV at the moment, soccer is saturating the airwaves and it's such big business it really is hard to enjoy it without getting a little cynical about the whole thing.
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