Chance, temporal lobe density, childhood trauma, genetic predisposition, embracing failure, ambiguity, water logic, domain acceptance, serendipity; enablers, assistants, generators of creativity, sources of originality, ignition of imagination or simply bald ox beyond the interest or understanding of mainstream society ?
Maybe mystery is more important than knowledge, perhaps that irrepressible need to understand supersedes intuitive attraction towards fantastical imagination, could it be, that experience of being actually exceeds endeavour ? We should somehow become oblivious, ignoring ‘just do it’ embracing ‘understand it’ incorporating ‘believe it’ morphing into ‘live and create freely’.
Our industrial society is less than 300 years old. Today’s education system was designed to service that industrial society and perpetuate the educational system that feeds it. An educational system that is to creativity what agent orange was to international diplomacy.
Mathematical and mental thumbscrews wring the last drops of independent thought out of potential educational cannibals – points rise, reputations increase, buildings are erected, imagination evaporates in a cloud of more knowing, a fog of academic achievement blurs progress on a path that actually leads back to past bald ox. I’ve heard the herd before and I didn’t like what they had to say then either.
Creativity is a very precious concept, inferring as it does originality, wisdom, value, promise and much much more. Integral to creativities gestation is independence, necessary to it’s prosperity is acceptance. Such opposing notions fuel my search.
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