I'm spending my occasional day away from my PCs tomorrow, off meeting some people in the flesh in Dublin. I'll be attending another of the excellent 'OUT TO LUNCH' series of readings in the Irish Writers Centre. John F Deane. poet, novelist, founder of poetry Ireland, general all round good guy and solid source of inspiration to many Irish Writers for a number of years, will be reading his latest work. John's site simply doesn't do justice to his vibrantly textured talent, he is a uniquely gifted wordsmith not a webmaster. Increasingly today IMHO writers should consider embracing the web, new media and all the new media tools available if they are to reach the widest audience possible. John's IWC event is open to the public but if you are around town and thinking of heading to Parnell street, then best call Ian first to ensure you can grab a seat.
Later in the evening I'll be in The AbbeyTheatre with my very good Friend Lillian Chambers and her colleagues from Carysfort press. The Carysfort Press will be launching some of their latest titles but will also be celebrating ten years of really terrific and unique support for Irish Theatre Writing - Dan Farrelly and Lillian are really to be commended on their wonderful contribution to Irish Cultural Life. Their collective foresight, generosity and commitment to Irish Theatrical heritage should be applauded and more appreciated - The event is 'invite only' and I'll update this blog with any developments etc over the weekend.
It's the moleskin and ink for days like this - I refuse to bring my laptop (having hauled it half way round the world altready) also I have just set up twitter txt with my phone so if any of the great and good of the Irish theaterazzi or media offer me a descent quote, I'll stick it on twitter straight away (-: or record it for later podcasting.
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